There's Snowone Like You Scrapbook Layout - Wendy Meffan
For my wintery layout I have used the January Fox Box and one of the new shop Perspextives and Paper Snips #049. I am using the HIpKit Club Winter kit from December 2022.

I just had the perfect photograph to go with There's Snowone Like You and the Extra Ordinary perspextive from the Fox Box. My Son just loves to be out there with his clothes and dress sense so seeing him in his pink sallopettes and big hat having a beer on the slopes just had to be documented!
Initially I trimmed the 12x12 white card stock and then gutted the mustard coloured paper and created a border for the layout. As a a real lover of torn paper and the colours in the paper collection I tore a few vertical strips of the different papers and attached them to the left of the page. Then I matted the photo and attached it to the layout. Now I could now start building up the layout around it.
I drew around both perspextives and backed them on white card stock. This was more for ease of attaching them to the page as I had the photo raised on sticky fixers so needed a back to the perspextives to attach them at a slightly raised level.
I placed the Extra Ordinary perspextive at the top of the photo and then added a few embellishments around it.

To the right of the photo I added the There's Snow One like You perspextive and then added stickers, chipboard and ephemera to create another cluster and add some balance to the layout.

Underneath the photo I added the Capturing Memories tab from the paper Snips #049. To cut this out I used the Paper Snips Labels Die #16 which makes things so much easier than fussy cutting! and then I created a third cluster below from the ephemera and chipboard in the Hip Kit collection.

I love how this layout turned out and hope you are feeling inspired to get on and use all your products.
Till next time Happy Scrapping!
