Summer Time Themed Layout Be Happy! - Wendy Meffan
For my summery scrapbook layout I'm using the Bee Happy, cute Bees and Sunflower perspextives all from the September Fox Box. I have also used Dies #01(frames) and #04 (barbed wire). I also used the Summertime perspextive from the Lovin' Summer set, a cheeky drink cup from Summer Elements and finally Fox Cut Stencil #06.

I chose this photo as it was so perfect for the sunflowers and Summertime perspextives, leading on from this I decided to co ordinate with the black and the red from the photo for the rest of the layout. I used some hip kit papers and created a large tag which I matted the photo to, which was the focal feature of the layout. I inked the edges and added some waxed string to it. I attached the Summertime perspextive at the top and tucked in a few stems cut from the Barbed wire die. I tucked in some fussy cut flowers from another Hip Kit paper and some leaves which were from the barbed wire die.

Then I used the paper bag my perspextive came in and used my Bramblefox film strip die and cut a couple of strips which I placed above and below either side of the tag. I fussy cut more of black and white flowers again from a Hip kit paper and positioned them around the layout. i added some frames to the floral clusters which were from the Frames die. i added a sunflower persepxtive and a couple of the cute little bee perspextives.

Under the photo I placed the Bee Happy perspextive along with a few more sunflowers and bee perspextives. Again I tucked in some die cut leaves.

Under the tag I added a couple of mini tags and the drink perspextive. I used the frames die to cut a few tabs which i used as further embellishments. Finally I stencilled some plus signs across the layout.

I love how this layout turned out and again shows how versatile all the bramblefox products are to use together.
Do take a look at for all the latest goodies and also a few older ones i've used.
Till next time ... Happy Scrapping!
