Summer Days | Julie Taylor
Hello Foxy friends
Are you all enjoying this hot spelt we're having? Too hot for me but luckily my craft room is situated at the front of our house & north facing so that's a blessing!!!
This months Fox Box is perfect for these hot days & a bit of summer scrapping.

I'd had this photo in my pile to use, just waiting for the right collection/ perspextive & this month fit the bill with the Summer perspextive & mermaid/wave stencil.
I used stencil #20 XL Sunburst at the top of the layout, inking in colours to match the letters in the Summer perspextive, I've then added hand stitching to depict the rays.

Below that I've added some fussy cut scallops & inked through the Mermaid/ wave stencil below that in a couple of different blue shades.

I sat my matted photo over the scallops & the Summer perspextive on top of that making sure it lined up with the sunburst colours.

I then went to town, at the bottom of the photo, layering up all the embellishments. I die cut the letters for the 'Days' word & inked in 2 different blue colours.

I hope you have enjoyed my layout & it's given you some inspiration to get out those summer photos & get them scrapped.
Until next time,
