Perfect Moments | Ali Skifton
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Perfect Moments | Ali Skifton

Hello Bramble Fox friends! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I am here today to share my take with the August challenge, which is to scrap an old and new photo and use a Bramble Fox product.

My Dad carries this photo of us in his wallet and has for decades. It was taken at Whitnall park that we would frequent weekly. I was about 4 years old in the photo. I love my dad's sideburns and hair style in this picture. Add 40 years on and you will have a picture of me and my dad dancing at my wedding and him giving me a kiss on the forehead. These are perfect moments!

I started my layout design knowing I wanted to use the picture on the left-hand side but wasn't quite sure about the new picture. I choose These Days collection by Cocoa Vanilla because of how the colors matched the photo perfectly, along with the collection name. I used a cut file from Pear Tree and backed it with different pattern papers.

I added foam tape to the back of the hexagons, so I had some dimension to the layout. I embellished with flower and leave die cuts and added cute little buttons to some of the centers of the flowers. I added my Bramble Fox Perspextive title to the upper right-hand page and felt it belonged on the top.

As soon as I picked my new photo and placed it on my layout, the tears started running down my face. There is so much love shown in these two photos of my dad and me. I get so choked up just looking at this layout. Even though it has been 40 years between these two photos, I will always be Daddy's Little Girl.

Thanks for taking time to read my post and I hope to see you participate in this month's challenge.

Love, Ali xoxo

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Beautiful craft embellishments for scrapbooks, cards, Project Life, Planners and more, flair, Perspex, planner, mixed media, midori, travellers notebook, journal, title, layout, inspiration, notebook, badges, travel, document, greeting cards, birthday, Christmas, birth, marriage, wedding, congratulations, anniversary, uk, france, Germany, Italy, usa, Australia, new Zealand, 

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