LOVE forever | Eva Puig Tella
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LOVE forever | Eva Puig Tella

This month Challenge is the perfect excuse to rescue some oold photo and document it again with a current one.

I've choosen one from our wedding day and paired it with one we took last week on the same steps of the church.

For this Challenge I've made a rainbow with some plain and patterned papers and added the perspextive "forever" over a big cardstock tittle, I love the overlay effect.

As you know, I always like to distribute some Paper Snips all over the page, in this case I've used quite a few of them.

I think tabs are always a good decision, right?

Combine different styles to add interest to the page.

Hope you like it and don't hesitate to participate in this month Challenge as it's a very inspiring one!!

Wish you all a fantastic week!!



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