CSI: Scrappers Gonna Scrap | Debbi Tehrani
I was so excited to see the Craft Happy titles in my Bramble Fox box last month! It just so happens that my scrapbooking challenge, CSI: Color, Stories, Inspiration, was turning 8 years old this month, and the "Scrappers Gonna Scrap" in this set was perfect to celebrate CSI's birthday.

Don't you just love how Bramble Fox mixes fonts in their titles? And the addition of those little scissors into this title piece is perfection!

I couldn't for the life of me get that vellum to lay flat under my cut file. My friend, who didn't realize I had wanted that vellum to lay flat, complimented me on the half-hidden journaling under the magnifying glass. Come to think of it, the partially obscured journaling does add to the mystery theme of CSI, so in retrospect, I'm happy it turned out that way! Don't you love happy scrappy accidents? I added a star Perspextive to my little cluster.

The notebook paper die came with a bunch of other little pieces, one of which were these little chevron arrows. I saw them sitting on my desk, and decided they'd look fun on the Arrows V2 Perspextives.

I have an album I call The Pursuit of Scrappiness, and over the years I've documented different aspects of my scrappy hobby. Have you ever documented your love of this hobby of ours? The Craft Happy titles are the perfect thing for documenting this fun and important part of your life!