The Fox Box club is a monthly collection of acrylic embellishments delivered to your door.
All items are specially created for the Fox Box each month so you can enjoy the latest designs first.
In addition to the acyrlic designs, you also receive:
A5 Stencil
Paper Snips - Cut apart sheet
5 Epoxy flair stickers (for DIY Flair)
Subscribers enjoy:
- New designs every month
- Exclusive designs to the Fox Box
- Fox Box Treat
- Inspirational FoxZine
- 10% Discount in the shop
FOX BOX Subscription
The Fox Box is shipped on or around the 3rd of the month.
New subscriptions that start before the end of the month will begin with the Box shown and will be shipped from the 3rd of the following month.
Use your Fox Box discount code to enjoy 10% off Perspextives, stencils and selected products.
Minimum order value £5.
Place your order before the 25th of the month.
Select Ship with my Fox Box to save on postage.